Windows XP Shield 2014 x86
Windows XP Shield 2014 is a modification of the operating system Windows XP with various tweaks and updates to the month of December 2013. Excess Shield 2014 Windows XP Windows XP compared to Ordinary is faster because it has been tweaked , deleted some unused languages ??like Chinese and Korean languages ??, had also removed some useless applications but does not interfere with the performance of the system altogether .
Besides Windows XP Shield 2014 has several features , including :
- It includes updates until December 2013.
- It includes the latest driver updates [ including the SATA driver ]
- It includes Internet Exploerer 8 and Windows Media Player 11 .
- It includes themes , wallpapers with High Definition .
- It added 6 new game
- And so forth .
Here are some programs that are added into Windows XP shiled 2014 :
- Internet Download Manager
- flash player
- Teracopy
- RocketDock
- Winamp
- Notepad
- Firefox
- taskmanager
- 7 Zip
- Perfect Uninstaller
- QQPlayer
- Skype
- Foxit Reader
- Google Chrome
- ViGlance